Cyber Monday Sale - Guthook Hikes Apps


The Guthook Hiking Apps for IOS and Android are on sale for Cyber - Monday.

Monday only prices are:
CDT sections: $7.99 each

The Colorado Trail in-app purchase: $7.99
Collegiate Loop in-app purchase $3.99

Depending upon your phone type, the apps can be purchased from the Apple Store or Google Play. The Apps can all be upgraded for free once they are purchased, so you should check for the latest revisions before your hike begins.



I gave these a trial run last summer on the Colorado Trail. I was really impressed! My large phone made the maps very readable and being able to zoom in and out was great. The best was being able to turn on my phone GPS for just a minute, see a red dot appear where I am, and then turn the GPS right off again.
Definitely recommmended!
