Freeman Road Water Cache


Hey–does anyone know if the Freeman Road water cache is on for this season? I came across a message about it’s location in 2010.



It’s a permanent cache location, but it isn’t restocked on any particular schedule. According to a hiker who came through within the past two weeks, there were at least 5 gallons at the cache. Probably more will appear between now and spring thru-hiking season, but there’s no way to count on it. Best bet would be to check in again here within a couple weeks of your planned arrival at Freeman Rd while on journey.



Like Blisterfree says, right now it’s just an accessible location on the ground under a juniper to put your own water. Do not count on anyone stocking it. You need to arrange it yourself. The section steward has annual Spring work events in the area and maintains it then, but other than that it’s up to us hikers and cyclists. And most containers will not last a season out there.

There are plans to install a structure of some sort to protect water containers. The ATA is shopping for options right now. But I wouldn’t count on it ever being stocked on a regular basis. It’s very remote out there.

Carry your empties out, please.



We dropped 6 gallons off a couple of weeks ago, and there were about 8 gallons there at that time. There is a cabinet and a couple of benches. We did take out a couple of empties when we dropped off the water.

Purple and Carnivore


I was planning on caching water myself further on in the section. This water would be extra and nice if it is there, but not absolutely necessary.
