Hey Southbounders


Just a reminder for all you hordes of southbound AZT hikers. All thru hikers are welcome to stay at my place in Flagstaff: 304 S. O’Leary #2, Flagstaff, AZ. 86001 (760)914-9109. Stay a couple of nights, enjoy town, eat at Chinese Buffet, do the Burger Challenge at Cafe Pickles. Party, do whatever you need to do. I’m just under a mile west of the trail on Butler ave where the resupply route crosses Butler. You can walk, take a bus, or get a ride on my motorcycle to my place (never had a passenger yet.) I have all the ammenities that you can think of for a house, and the atmosphere is relaxed. No Donations accepted. I thruhiked five summers in a row, havent finished the AZT yet, only did 600 miles. But have PCT TRT JMT done and a significant portion of the AT. Come by and relax. Tell other hikers you know too that thruhikers are always welcome here. I have experienced alot of trail magic and want to return the favor.



I know of at least one hiking party heading sobo this fall. Anyone else planning on a thru-hike, or perhaps already on route? Monsoon season has been fairly generous this year, I believe - perhaps a bit moreso in the southern half of the state than up north. (How’s the sunflower crop this year along the sidewalks in Flagstaff?)



BF every field, meadow, and along every sidewalk, the sunflowers are taking off. Everything is blooming up here, and its looking like the Aspens will be awesome in about two weeks. Definitely a wet monsoon this year. Rained every day.



I’m planning on going SOBO next spring. I’ll look you up
