Hiking the AZT and need a southernmost shuttle?


Hiking the AZT and need a shuttle? www.GOShuttleAZ.com
GreenPackin’ network shuttle provider along the Arizona Trail. Thanks for allowing us this opportunity! More info and info here: www.greenpackin.com has mail drop delivery service providers and www.aztrail.org



I am in need of shuttle from Tucson airport to Coronado Memorial or Montezuma Pass, which ever is closest to the border in late March 2014.
Flight arrives 9:05 pm…What are my best options? Could I be picked up that late and taken to the trail or do I need to spend the night in Tucson?



Contact the AZTA at 602-252-4794 or at aztrail.org possibly a member can give you a ride. The area where the trail begins is not accessible by public transportation or any airport shuttles from Tucson. It is at least an hour and a half drive south to Montezuma Pass from the city of Tucson. The nearest “town” with hotel and grocery is ten miles north of Montezuma pass. Sierra Vista, AZ. I would plan on spending the night in Tucson and traveling to the trailhead the next morning.
I live very close to the trail but will not be in the state at the time of your arrival otherwise I would give you a ride. Have a great hike!



Thank you Zebra. I have arranged an earlier flight and also have a shuttle service hired to pick me up at the airport and drop me an Coronado. I will hike up to MP and hit the trail.
