How much water?


How much water are people generally carrying this year on the JMT? I’m starting SOBO July 28.



Suggest two liter bottles filled as much of the as possible

Swamp Fox


It can be dry (as in, be sure you have 2 full liters, maybe even 3) between Little Yose Valley and Tuolumne Meadows, and again sobo from Red’s Meadow. The rest of the way, in July, you can probably just carry 1, or even drink as you go. There’s water everywhere most of the time. Take a look at your maps and believe them for the most part. Just watch out that Deer Creek and Sunrise have run dry in past drought years. Anyone have other specific sources that have gone dry?



I did the last 80 miles last summer and only had more than 1 liter once when we went over Whitney. I would suggest you have a at least 3 liters when you leave Guitar Lake. I only treated my water at a few spots along the way.



Wow, this one was dug out from 2 years ago, and things have changed. You could expect this year to not have to carry water AT ALL for most of the trail. Just reach out your bottle and collect everywhere, it’s going to be so wet up there. That saves you a lot of pack weight. The exceptions have mostly been mentioned: have a liter or 2 in the pack at the 3 places mentioned above, or look at the blue lines at the maps if you’re the nervous type. But really, there will be water everywhere.
