If Baxter runs out of quota for NOBOs


Will this work? If I hear that Baxter is closed to AT thru hikers because of a quota this Fall. When I arrive at ABOL bridge I hitch into town without checking in anywhere. I stay at the hostel and shuttle back the next day to the foot of the hunt trail and sign in as a day hiker. Then after climbing the Mountain I come back down and shuttle back to the hostel. The following day I shuttle to the same spot also as a day hiker and hike South to Abol bridge. I suppose I should avoid checking in with anyone at Monson also.



Every year you hear the same stories and rumors. Last year it was "their only going to let 10 thru-hikers a day summit. Stupid rumor. When I reached Abol Bridge and told them what I heard from a couple of South Bounders they laughed. Do not believe anything you hear on the trail. 95% of it was made up by board hikers. I know, I thru-hiked the entire trail last year.

No Name


What would Ghandi do? When faced with injustice, how should we respond? We don’t have to take this crap. They started this war. We need new methods to defeat them. When they make up new rules we need to figure out ways to get around them.



the Birches will close and ATers will have to access the Park and mountain just like all other visitors.

Don’t want to be shut out? Don’t take thirty zeros.



ATers will just find themselves treated like any other visitor. No special campsite just for them, no special staffing just to accommodate them, and no showing up without reservations.
