Just finished - Tahoe Rim Trail


I just finished the TRT started Mon 6-16 at 6:30 PM finished Friday 6-27 at 10 AM. Awesome trail wonderful views Lots of snow on the PCT side and MT. Rose Wilderness. Great trail to just get out and hike. Don’t waste money on the Guidebook just get the Tom Harrison Map. Only water source that was dry was Twin Lakes on the East Side, solved with a mile walk west down the next road to a stream in a grove of Aspens. Only Mtn bikers on trail all over from Kingsbury Grade to Tahoe City and a few dayhikers in Mt. rose wilderness. Saw only three other thru- hikers starting while I was near finish. Great Trail, though TRTA please help control bikers from ridiing off trail and making jumps off every rock and tree in its vicinity, if your allowing them on trail. Though their great for emergency water that I needed twice, and always yeilded right of way to me. Took PCT South after TRT finish for 60 miles to Sonora Pass to meet Hydro Heidi. Will do the trail again, but instead of walking consistent 20’s Ill try some five mile days in this beautiful spot.
PS I feel sorry for those who would live or own in Incline Village as they seem to have inadequacies in their lives since they wont let people use the beautiful beach there.



Congratulations, Guino! A lap around the TRT is definitely on my to-do list and it sounds like you had a good hike. Enjoy Central Cali for a few more weeks then get yourself up to Washington in August!



The bird took himself on a walk. Congratulations to Guino! And now that Guino is back I don’t have to do this all day long::bawling :bawling :bawling :bawling

Hydro Heidi


we will be out Sept 11th… looking forward to it…:tongue



Good job Guino for breaking the trail and reporting back. I and two others will do our thru-hike at the end of July.

You mentioned that Twin Lakes was dry - seems very early in the year for that to happen.

Glad to hear that you can yogi water from the mtn bikers :slight_smile:



Thanks for the congrats everyone. I will be working the next two weeks to get a journal online complete with generic pics from yahoo images. Yeah Oregan Beer Man, I was surprised by the dryness of the East side too. Though we had an average yr for Sierra snow, hardly any fell after Superbowl. All of it flew in January. I think next time (may do it again this year) I will try to completely resupply off the bikers, they seem to be ridiing on 100% of the trail anyway. Would prove to be fun. “I’m not going to tell you that you can’t ride your bike here in the Wilderness, you already know that. I just want a power bar man and I’ll let you pass.” Would work everytime given my Charlie Manson trailstyle good looks. Thanks Hydro for teaching me how to find a trail buried in snow, and letting me know it’s ok to keep your food and eat in your tent.:boy



Hey Guino - one more question, what method of food storage did you use? Did you hang, ursack, cannister or sleep with it?



Just slept with it. I think the rangers say the hanging method is ineffective since it’s hard to do properly. Bear cans are too heavy. Started eating dinner in the tent too when the Mosquito were bad on the PCT side and South side. Don’t think sleeping with the Ice axe helped, but it made me feel a little better. Next time I may have it in hand for the road walk around Kingsbury Grade SR207 north 1.9 miles to the trail. Two groups of three dogs were super aggressive in that neighborhood. All Cesar(dog whisperer) taught me about absolutely no attention given to them probably saved me from the bites, but I seriously thought I would get some nasty ones. First time I was scared of a golden retriever too (with other dogs though), Didnt know they could be viscious.
