Lost "Blankie" - The Long Trail - Vermont


PLEASE HELP!! My husband and children finished hiking the first 18 miles of the Long Trail this afternoon. They finished just outside of Bennington. I meet them at the parking area just west of Woodford at the junction of Rt 9 at about noon on Thursday, July 2. I took the kids and my husband continued on the trail, hoping to do the whole trail over the next 3 -4 weeks. My daughter was hiking with her “blankie” and upon unpacking we discovered it was not in her things. I have left a message on my husband’s phone but as you know coverage is spotty on the trail. She recalls having it at the shelter they stayed in about 4 miles south of Rt 9. Nine people stayed in the shelter that night (as my kids recall-a young lady, arriving late, slept on the table!). My daughter is a wreck…she has spent almost every night of her life with this little guy and thinks she will never see him again. PLEASE help me prove her wrong and her that people are willing to help strangers even over something as simple as a lost blankie. I am hoping that for some reason my husband has it tucked away in his bag but until I can reach him I won’t know. I would go back but we live almost 4 hours away in Northern New Hampshire. The “blankie” is a small yellow blanket about 18 inches square and has a head and 2 small arms in the center. If anyone has seen anything like this or might know anything,please contact me!! THANK YOU!!

Vicki Myles


Vicki, Did you ever find the blankie? I was at the trailhead on RT 9 and was asked about it. I don’t by whom. I was just looking in trail forums and read your post. My son lost his little stuffed dog “Spunkie” at Dots of Dover on RT 100 one summer. He started crying on our trip back to FL "I left Spunkie at Dots. The next summer we went to Dots and Andrew ran to the toy box in Dots, dug into it and out came Spunkie. So there is hope. Put my name into the youtube search to see my LT hike. George

George Becht