New Mexico - Continental Divide Trail


I would like to start hiking New Mexico from the border in March. Does anyone know what the weather would be like at that time? We would like to start the third week of March. Snapshot

susie burns


March is a little early according to most people. I started March 30 last year because I knew I would be slow. You can read my journal on trailjournals to get an idea of the weather. Might make a difference which route you take. I did Wolf’s route for first part. Border to Deming and then in desert northeast would probably be ok. Probably lots of wind. I ran into a storm Emory Pass and Hillsboro Peak and had 26-28 degrees all afternoon. You never know. Most thru hikers start April or later.

Medicare Pastor


Thanks for the info. I was getting the same feedback from other hikers. I think we will start at the end of April.Snapshot

susie burns


I have been checking with NM Forest Service & BLM. With their input I believe I can start the first week in April and should have only some patches of snow to deal with.
I plan to jump around Colorado and come back in September.
I do expect wind and cold weather at times but I do expect green as it will get and water as good as it will get. Souther NM is already in the 80s by then.
To bad we can’t have it all.

Dwight Worthington


I m starting in latter April. Will pick up snow equpmt for CO. Hope to not flip flop.
