NY/CT Trail Magic


Im a future thru hiker who admires and is jealous of you guys out there.
I live in NY and hike the NY/CT AT trails all summer so if you guys need anything like food, a ride or any kind of issues while you’r coming thru, I would be glad to help…Contact me at Mre113@aol.com
BUT I will expect a ton of storys about your hike so far though lol…




Nice of you to offer up your help…I’m hiking a thru starting October but have a friend out now he’s currently in PA…I passed your
Contact info along to him…



Sounds good Longstory…
Your starting Maine Im guessing??



Marc - You are just the person I am looking for! I’m section hiking the CT (and part of MA) this summer and need advice. I am headed out NOBO at the NY/CT line the 19th(ish) of June. So, here is the question. Is a fleece liner enough at night that time of year? I hate to haul a bag and I’m thinking I should be good?



Summer weather conditions are hard to predict for this area. Generally speaking 19 June should be ok for just the liner without the sleeping bag. If you see in the long range forecast that the temps overnight are all in the upper 50’s or warmer along the trail then you should be good. For me, I would bring my 40 degree down bag. If you said 19 July then I would just have the liner.



Thanks Francis. That is my thinking too. I will just keep my fingers crossed and a close eye on the forecast. Anything below mid50s, I will bring a bag.



Rachel like Francis said, June the temperature usually doesnt drop that low…If you need a bag actually depends on a few things but me personal I overheat in a bag when its 10 below so I usually just use a liner or a very thin layer. I hammock camped last year up north and slept with just a pair of shorts and a shirt, and never got cold at all. I hope that helped… Where are you starting?
