SoBo 2013 - Continental Divide Trail


So who’s planning on thru hiking the CDT next year SoBo? I’m planning on starting mid June provided I get the money together.

Joel Johnstone


Joel, I’m seriously considering a thru hike this year. Working on logistics now, Which direction blah blah blah.




I couldn’t get a Glacier permit in mid-June 2003 because campsites were melting out… so I went floundering around in the snow over by the Bitterroots & after recovering from injury, bicycled south on the CDB… so the next year I wised up & decided to flip north from the Butte area which still involved some mounds of snow across the trail but no problem getting a permit in early July, except it called for a 9 mile day then a 26 mile day: because of July 4 holiday hikers (needless to say, stealth). One problem encountered was the Autumn creek trail completely overgrown & the Bob marshall still covered in blowdowns because the trail crews hadn’t gotten to em yet. I must admit to doing the Bitterroute bypass which perhaps makes me less of a CDTer & more of a RMTer. There are several options if you find yourself behind schedule including a shortcut from Earthquake lake to Ennis on trails; then roads & trails to Whitehall using a recreation map or over the Gravellies on dirt roads to Virginia city historical town with camping & entertainment then also to Whitehall. Bozeman was infinitely superior to Butte for resupply with a hostel, co-op, several outdoor shops etc… you could resupply for all of MT & WY there the way I flipped.
