Weird flip flop and two questions


I am considering hiking the entire AT by employing a slow pace and strategic flip-flops to avoid larger crowds and the mid-Atlantic during the summer. Here is my proposal:

Southbound 736 miles in 74 days: Charlottesville, VA (Sep 1, 2023) to Springer, GA (Nov 13, 2023)

<Winter break 119 days>

Southbound 723 miles in 75 days: Kent, CT (Mar 17, 2024) to Charlottesville, VA (May 30, 2024)

Northbound 720 miles in 79 days: Kent, CT (Jun 7, 2024) to Katahdin (Aug 24, 2024)

  1. Is this still considered a “through hike” since it’s the entire trail and less than twelve months long?

  2. Is there a flaw in my timing that seems ill-advised?

Thank you for any comments.



Did you ever get an answer? I am considering the same thing. I am over 65, so looking to do several sectional hikes rather than trying to do the whole thing in one season. Call it an age handicap…


Buzzardwhiskey, your itinerary sounds good, and it will count as a Thru-Hike, however, June 7 to Aug. 24 is the “BUG SEASON”, especially in Maine. You will have Black Flies, Mosquitoes, and No-See-Ums to deal with, and they are mean rascals.
One year while doing a section hike in Maine, I overheard two BIG Mosquitoes talking, one said to the other, “Should we eat him here, or take him with us”?
Maybe not really, but they are biggins’ and there, are plenty of them.
SAWYER makes a good repellent with 20% Picaridin in it, I suggest you get some if you haven’t already.
Hope this is helpful info. GOOD LUCK!!