Where to put water caches


Hey–I will be driving into Tucson in March to continue the AZT north. I will be putting a water cache at the Old Florence road, north of Freeman Road. Are there any other places people have put or wish they would have put water caches north of Tucson? Thanks.



You probably won’t need a cache at that spot, as Old Ripsey Ranch, the 100 gallon stock trough, and Ripsey spring will all likely have water in March. All were reported wet as of the first of the year, and now AZ is starting to see some more rain.

In related news, the latest missive from the ATA indicates that the Gila River is safe to drink with treatment, although it may be harmful to fish. This is per official water quality testing by the state, I think. So unless you happen to breathe through gills, you might just take your chances on that hard-working waterway while traversing the droughty new Gila River Canyons passage.
