Wild film release - Pacific Crest Trail


We’re going to look back on the mainstream film release of “Wild” as the moment the long trails likewise went mainstream and in the process lost something of themselves, something separate, untouchable, intangible, now violated by the dull, unblinking gaze of the masses. Our trail, now the cheap wh0re of corporate titans and their insatiable, paying minions. Our trail, knocking down America’s door in order to make unbridled smut of itself in our living rooms and in our minds. Our trail, no longer a refuge from the outside world but a reminder of its omnipresence in every facet of our lives. We are all one click away from spinning off the face of the globe. Our identity of self is a grand illusion. Our unique hopes, dreams, and passions are shared by many. This is what the world has come to. One compressed point of undifferentiated self-awareness. Sucks, doesn’t it? Good luck walking it off…



So you’re saying there’s no cheeseburger at Mile 649?



You should try to get more sunlight. These short days play tricks on us. Perhaps a vacation to the islands or at minimum a sunlamp. Our trail is unchanged, it’s rock, dirt and roots. I only agree with you because it’s almost February. In a short few months the sun will be back, bluebirds will be singing and we should go back to that stupid movie and give it another chance.



The same thing happened to the AT when “A Walk In The Woods” came out. The effect lasted about 4 years.

Big B


Around the Southern Sierra and into Death Valley, we refer to folks who show up but haven’t a clue about the wilderness as “L.A. People”. One common characteristic, besides an overabundance off gear, is a tendency to quickly disappear back to civilization when the bulb comes on and they realize that a true wilderness experience requires significant planning and effort.

The PCT isn’t the AT - the remoteness and scarcity of towns, difficult access, and detailed resupply planning will soon discourage the mobs and wannabes.



Wild will probably inspire some new hikers. Most of them will drop out by Warner Springs and a few will go all the way. No big deal.



I heard stories about people dropping entire packs on the APPROACH TRAIL to Springer (I didn’t see the Springer soiree because I went SoBo). I am hoping to find a lot of cool stuff in hiker boxes from people quitting.



I watched this the other night. Had a good chuckle after she got the right fuel for her stove. “Now I can eat warm mush instead of cold mush.” LOL
